Health and Healing
I have finished my 6 months of Chemo treatment! YAY. I have declined the ongoing maintenance treatment and am continuing to believe in the power of prayer, faith, His stripes and the body's ability to heal itself as we are really truly fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am free to move around again, although I have really enjoyed my time west of the Gold Coast and appreciated the wonderful family support I have had. By the time you are reading this, I will be in New Zealand with my mother and brother, along with the Riddell's and other wonderful friends. I love Autumn in NZ, and of course, my gratitude for life has increased!
Update from Vimbai
We have had to 'make friends' with disappointment! Vimbai's Visa for her time in NZ has not come through in time for her to attend the training we have raised funds for. We are really disappointed but have a plan B. We will hold the funds (thank you donors) that have been raised so far for her to attend the next two-week course in July. It means I don't get the hours and days of time I was so looking forward to having with her while at the course, inspiring, training and mentoring her as well. But, where there is a will there is a way and we will find it! Thank you to the people who have donated so far, we are still nearly $1,000 short because of the exchange rate with USD and the airfares so now we have some more time to raise that. There is a silver lining.
Soul Tour - Youth Living Wisdom
Dale Dearman (Grace Lutheran College, Rothwell) and I are excited to welcome Matt and Belinda Stott back to South East Queensland to run their 2-day introductory training for 16 to 26-year-olds. This is a 'must attend' for our young people as now more than ever the lines are incredibly blurred between truth, reality, and delusion and this is creating confusion and instability which in turn is feeding the epidemic of anxiety and depression. These unique and incredibly priced two days can build a solid foundation to stand on and this 'rock' foundation will help hold them steady in this shifting sand time we are in. Check out the Soul Tour Website to register or email Dale if you have questions.
Living Wisdom Schools - Cairns and Perth
It is that time of year again – June in Cairns! If you have often thought about attending a two-week Living Wisdom School and would love to be in a beautiful place at the same time, this is the one for you! I have opened registrations for the Cairns Living Wisdom School, it will go ahead if we have ten or more students so please register ASAP or express your interest to me. If you are not local the airfares will rise in the next 4 weeks so please don't leave it until the last minute! Thanks to The Lakes Church at Edge Hill for allowing us the use of their wonderful venue once again.
Welcome and Introduction to Lynne Coyne - Bundaberg
I have known Lynne for many years now and watched her grow in so many ways. One of her own transformations has been her passion and love for truth go up several notches and that has taken her into (finally) Counselling. Lynne lives in Bundaberg but of course these days, geography doesn't hinder the ability to connect with a good counsellor. Lynne has worked as a Chaplain for many years in various Schools and is currently also a part-time Chaplin at a university. She is Counselling 3 days a week so please email her if you would like to book an appointment with her or find out more. Rock Solid Transformation
New Resource - Raw and a Bargain!
Recently I ran two half day Workshops with content I have been attempting to record for nearly 6 years! Every time I tried, something would go wrong and this went on and on. Finally (with a couple of glitches) I have managed to get a good enough (for now) recording of Understanding Moods and Emotions. I believe with the epidemic we have of anxiety and depression across nearly all ages it is a most vital workshop. The Living Wisdom content on Anxiety, Anger, Depression, Grief and Emotion Directed Reasoning is so relevant for such a time as this that it must be made available to all who are struggling.
So, I am making them available now in their unedited and raw form because I feel it is urgent. However, I hope to soon have the recordings edited and spruced up, but they are very good as they are for now. Normally priced at $90 you receive this full-day workshop (about 5 hours of teaching) and all the relevant notes to go with the teaching. I present on Zoom using PowerPoint so you have visuals all the way through. However, if you purchase this resource before the 1st of June 2023 using this code (YESPLEASE) you will receive this teaching for just $75 through my Shop.
Please respect the copyright and do not hand it to others who haven’t paid. However, I am happy for you to get a few friends together, provide them with some refreshments and watch it together.
It is true that emotions make us human but we don’t want them dragging us through life and crippling our progress and courage. Even though these emotions are incredibly powerful, once properly understood and the possible deep causes diagnosed, then the appropriate truth insights applied, they are an asset to us rather than a liability.
FIRST Living Wisdom Weekend Retreat - Western Australia - June
My friend and colleague Helen Kelder is running the first-ever weekend retreat in Australia teaching on Renewing Your Mind. I want to go! There are 3 or 4 places left and she is extending the invitation to you. Click the video below to see the location and then view the information if you are interested or know someone in WA who might be.