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Perth Living Wisdom Course

Be our guest - 16th to 27th of October

David Riddell will be our main lecturer for the two-week training in Perth. Myself (Joan Koskela) and Helen Kelder will also be on board for various lectures so you will be spoilt! Anyone is warmly invited to be our guest FREE of charge for any one of the ten days during the fortnight. Every day is a great day so just come when you can. Bring a pen, notebook, your own lunch and a hunger for answers. A courtesy email to let us know you will be attending is appreciated. We are meeting at the Free Reformed Church Building 504 Southern River Rd, Southern River.

One-Day Workshop with David Riddell on 30th October in Brisbane.

While David is in Australia he is offering a full day's workshop in Brisbane.

The topic will be Building Better Relationships because we are ALL in a relationship of some kind or another.

The venue is The Dwelling Place 1/63 Bay Terrace, Wynnum, not far from Brisbane and we are receiving bookings for face-to-face attendees and Zoom attendees.

We are planning to record the day so you don't have to come in 'live' and the recording can be an ongoing resource for others.

As usual with a day workshop, your morning tea and Workbook are supplied and I will have other resources for sale. You are asked to bring a pen and your own lunch. The Workshop will run from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

The early bird registration is an incredibly reasonable $60 per person and $50 per online registration. On the 20th of October, the price will increase so register now.

January 2024 - Something NEW

I have always run a two-week Living Wisdom School during January in Brisbane. However, school is going back quite a bit earlier this year so that means teachers will be going back here in QLD on the 15th of January. I am going to try something new! I am offering you a week of individual one-day workshops which will build on each other and be incredibly beneficial. This gives you the opportunity to attend 1, 2, 3, 4 or all 5 of the days, this is great flexibility. You get to choose, but if you are wise you will come to them all!

Below are the proposed Workshop topics. Once I have put these up on the website you will receive more information about the lectures covered on each day and will be invited to start registering via my website, so stay tuned and save the dates!

January 8th - Day 1

Teaching Your Mind to be Your Friend

January 9th - Day 2

Keys to Spiritual and Emotional Health

January 10th - Day 3

Building Better Relationships

January 11th - Day 4

Understanding Moods and Emotions

January 12th - Day 5

Sexuality, Brokenness and Addictions.

The My Life Rulz Big Project - HELP!

As some people know we have been working on a large project for several years. A social and emotional health program for Prep to Year 12 for faith-based schools, all from a Biblical worldview and formulated on My Life Rulz and Living Wisdom concepts. It is slowly coming together and is going to be amazing.

However, I really need a teacher who is familiar with M L R and L W to put a massive dent in the work! If you are not currently teaching and would like a humbly paid but purpose-filled job for 5-10 weeks I would love to hear from you.

Brand new Resource

How often have you heard someone say something like:-

- I am dumb

- I can't do it

- I'm just not an academic

- I failed school so......

- I can't learn

- I can't retain anything

These are lies and will cripple the brain you have which has nothing wrong with it! These truth coaches have the power to set a person loose to head into their dreams.

Trace, face and replace the dumb lie because your study success depends on it, no matter what your age!

On a personal note

I continue to live in divine health and am so grateful. It was such a great feeling seeing the big ZERO on my last blood results - finally showing the results of so many faith-filled prayer warriors and the revelation I had of healing early on in the treatment. I am constantly grateful that I did not go through the stem-cell transplant and the ongoing treatment they were strongly advising. Fasting is still a gift for spiritual, physical and emotional health, even though I was so hungry all through my last fast! Gee, did I enjoy eating again after those few days!
I spent two months in South Australia with family and precious grandchildren. I enjoyed the warm fire, the warm welcome, the constant hugs and fun times. While there, one of my granddaughters (Olive) and I worked on a children's book, Olive did the illustrations and helped me remember this true story from many years ago. It is currently in print and I am looking forward to offering it to others as a book with a message. Many thanks to the generosity and wonderful creative work of Kathy at Icon Design in NZ as well.

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